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Create systems that automate your life threw open source software.

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Who are we? 

We are ever evolving into what the needs of our customers are. It has resulted in us becoming a consulting specialist, someone who provides services in a wide range of business and service sectors, such as recruitment, finance, advertising, sales, human resource management, and much more using webservices . We Work with clients or customers who might need our help..

We help find efficient solutions to reoccurring problems in our daily lives. Ultimately, we are a team of Researchers / Assistants that specialize in autism based behaviors and workflow technology solutions for individuals/ business.

Check out our about us page for more info.

Who are the Typical Employers?

The most common employer for research assistant positions are Universities. However, other employers include the NHS, charities and trusts, private research companies, and public/government research councils.

What are the skills we look for to work with us ?